Main Content

Legal basis

Swiss Federal Pipelines Act

The Swiss Federal Pipelines Act regulates framework conditions for pipeline installation construction and operation and also defines the general scope of applicability.
Bundesgesetz vom 4. Oktober 1963 über Rohrleitungsanlagen zur Beförderung flüssiger oder gasförmiger Brenn- oder Treibstoffe (Rohrleitungsgesetz, RLG)

Pipeline regulations

The Swiss Pipeline Regulations stipulate the federal approval procedure.
Rohrleitungsverordnung vom 2. Februar 2000 (RLV)

Pipeline safety regulations

The Swiss Pipeline Safety Regulations define the minimum safety requirements for installations and operators.
Verordnung vom 4. April 2007 über Sicherheitsvorschriften für Rohrleitungsanlagen (RLSV)

Federal Pipelines Inspectorate guidelines

The Swiss Federal Pipelines Inspectorate guidelines put the aforementioned regulations into practice. The guidelines are based on the corresponding European (EN) and international (ISO) regulations and can be ordered from the Swiss Federal Pipelines Inspectorate.
Order Federal Pipelines Inspectorate Guidelines